помогите пожалуйста . очен?нужн?сочинени?на тему " We drink one another's health and spoil our own." :(:(
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A healthy life style is not very popular nowadays. People smoke, drink alcohol, take drugs and don’t do sport. But even if someone doesn’t spoil his or her health, it can be done by others.
If you are around people, who are smoking, you breathe the smoke from the cigarettes. This smoke is even worse then that, what a smoker gets while smoking. It has even more harmful effect on the man’s body. If you are leading a healthy life style, it is important to avoid smoking people. Let them spoil their health, but not yours.
Also we can speak about psychological affects that we get from other people. Children and teenagers see adults smoking and drinking. They think it is normal, and do the same. It is a bad example, and people should be responsible for that.