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Princess V.M. Kudasheva

Imperial Russia

1903 Sophie wife of Count Grabbe at the ball

1903: The Ball at the Winter Palace Serge and Ella (? ????

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Baroness Mariya Vladimirovna Wrangell,nee Skaryatin

Maria Pavlovna Rodzyanko (nee Princess Galitzine)

Romanov Anniversary Ball (1903) Aggripina Djaparidze, Countess of Zarnekau

Director of the Imperial Theatres Vladimir A. Telyakovskii. - 1903 ball in the winter palace

Princess Maria Pavlovna Chavchavadze (1876-1958)

Olga, Duchess of Leuchtenberg dressed for the 1903 winter palace ball

Princesa Isabel Vladimirovna Bariatinsky. (1882-1948) - 1903 ball in the winter palace

Kokoshnik accessory for a fancy Court ball dress of Princess Elena Golitzine celebrating the Romanov's 300th Dynasty Anniversary, circa 1903. Made of satin, brocade, lace, fake pearls, rhinestones, sequins, metallic thread;; sewing, embroidery. 14 x 16 cm.

Anna Vyrubova (friend of the tsarina Alexandra) and her sister in the masquerade ball at the winter palace, 1903.
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