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? 01 2014 ? 20:25 + ?
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???.. 1000 Mailles ()

? 29 ? 2014 ? 02:04 + ?
? MerlettKA [??/a> + ? ?!]

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??? ??/a>



? 16 ? 2014 ? 03:27 + ?
? -?/a> [??/a> + ? ?!]


? ?? ? ? - ? , ????? .
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??? ??/a>


? ???? (??!)

? 01 ? 2014 ? 02:19 + ?
? VezunchikI [??/a> + ? ?!]

? ???? (??!)

?? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ?? ?? ?

?? ? ? ? ??? ? ? . ?, ? ?? ??. ? ?? ? ? ?

??? ??/a>



? 02 ?2014 ? 01:53 + ?
? Md_Inna [??/a> + ? ?!]


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?? 28 2014 ? 03:34 + ?
? -2010 [??/a> + ? ?!]



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?? 28 2014 ? 03:32 + ?
? Liudmila_Sceglova [??/a> + ? ?!]

??? ??/a>



?? 28 2014 ? 03:31 + ?
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??? ??/a>



?? 28 2014 ? 03:29 + ?
? Liudmila_Sceglova [??/a> + ? ?!]

??? ??/a>



?? 28 2014 ? 03:28 + ?
? Liudmila_Sceglova [??/a> + ? ?!]




  ?/a> !!! ?!! ???.. ?.. ? ???? ???/a>
? ? . ??? . ?, ????? ?... ??... ? ??? ? ?, ? ? , ??.



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. 12

? 20 2014 ? 02:46 + ?
? Miss_SV [??/a> + ? ?!]

. 12


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. 11


/ ??/a>
??? ??/a>


??? ??/b>

? 19 2014 ? 03:00 + ?
? [??/a> + ? ?!]

??? ??/strong>

? ?- ?

all - ?br /> alt ?alternate - ?(alt K2, P2 - ?2*2)
approx - approximate (ly) -
armhole -
assembly -
beg begin (beginning) - , ? ?
bet - between - ?br /> BP dc - back post dc - ??? ?br /> BLO - back loop only - ?
BO - bind off - ?? ?br /> cable - cable - ?br /> ch - chain -
cluster ? (???)
cn - cable needle - ??br /> CC - contrasting color - ?
CO - cast on - ?(?
Cuff - ?br /> dc - double crochet - ???br /> dec(s) - decrease(s) -
DP or dpn - double-pointed needle - ? ?br /> dtr - double treble crochet - ??3
edge - edge -
edge st - edge stitch -
elastic - ?br /> every - ,
inc - increase -
FP dc - front post dc - ???
Front - ?br /> g or gr - grams -
garter st - garter stitch - ??? - ??, ???br /> hdc - half double crochet - ????br /> K - knit ? - ?br /> k1p1 - knit one, purl one ? , ?
K2tog - knit two (2) stitches together - ?? ??- ?
kwise - knitwise - ??br /> LH - left hand needle - ?br /> lp(s) - loop(s) -
MC - main color - ?
M1 - make one - ?
Oz - ounce(s) - (?
P - purl - ? - ?br /> P2tog - purl two (2) stitches together - ?? ? - ?
patt(s) - pattern(s) - , ?br /> p - picot -
pm - place marker - ?
prev - previous -
psso - pass slip stitch over - ? ? ?( ???
p-wise - purl-wise, or as though to purl - ?
puff stitch - ?br /> rem - remain(ing) - ?br /> rep - repeat(ing) - , ?br /> rev st st - reverse stockinette stitch - ? ? ??- ?
reverse sc - ??br /> RH - right hand needle - ? ?br /> rnd(s) - round(s) - ?? ?? ?- .??br /> RS - right side - ? ?-
sc - single crochet - ??
seed st - seed stitch - ?? ?? - ??, ?; ?? - ??, ?
sk - skip - ?br /> sl - slip -
sl st - slip stitch - ??
Sl st - slip stitch- ??, ??br /> sl 1, k 1, psso or SKPslip 1 stitch as if to knit, knit 1 stitch, and pass the slipped stitch over the knit stitch, and over the end of the needle, or slip, knit, pass - ? ?? ?, ? ? ??? , ?? , ? ???br /> sleeve - ?br /> sp(s) -space(s) - (?
SP or spn - single-pointed needles - ?? ???br /> ssk - Slip, slip, knit. Slip first st as if to knit. Slip next st as if to knit. Put the tip of the left hand needle through the front of these two sts from left to right and knit them together - - ?? ? ?? ? ??????? , ?? ??
ssp - - ?? ? ?? ? ??????? , ?? ?
st(s) - stitch(es) - (?,
St st - stockinette stitch- ? ??br /> tbl - through back loop- ?br /> tog - together -
tr - treble crochet - ??2
trtr - triple treble crochet - ??4
WS - wrong side- (?) ?-
wrap - wrap- ??br /> YB or ytb - yarn to back of work - ? ?
YF or ytf - yarn to front of work - ??br /> Yfwd - yarn forward - ??br /> yo - yarn over- ?br /> YRN - yarn round needle - ?
??? ??/a>


? ?- ? ???

?? 14 2014 ? 03:36 + ?
? _?/a> [??/a> + ? ?!]

??? ??/a>


? ????

? 11 2014 ? 03:07 + ?
? Manini [??/a> + ? ?!]

? ????

? ????


? ?? ?, ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ?? ?? .

??? ??/a>


????? ??

? 01 2014 ? 03:25 + ?
? -2010 [??/a> + ? ?!]

??- ???/a>
??? ??/a>




? 01 2014 ? 02:38 + ?
??? ??/a>



? 11 2013 ? 02:56 + ?
? -?/a> [??/a> + ? ?!]


? ?? ? ? - ? , ????? .
0 (82x130, 5Kb)0-1 (86x130, 7Kb)0-2 (146x130, 8Kb)0-3 (107x130, 11Kb)0-5 (143x130, 10Kb)0-6 (87x130, 9Kb)0-7 (81x130, 6Kb)0-8 (72x130, 7Kb)0-9 (67x130, 7Kb)0-10 (56x130, 5Kb)0-11 (60x130, 6Kb)0-12 (45x130, 6Kb)0-13 (66x130, 6Kb)0-14 (61x130, 6Kb)0-15 (61x130, 7Kb)0-16 (51x130, 6Kb)0-17 (55x130, 7Kb)0-18 (50x130, 6Kb)0-19 (54x130, 5Kb)0-20 (44x130, 6Kb)0 (55x130, 5Kb)0-1 (48x130, 5Kb)0-2 (54x130, 5Kb)0-3 (59x130, 6Kb)00 (59x130, 6Kb)00-1 (137x130, 10Kb)00-2 (87x130, 7Kb)-?/b>

??? ??/a>


??? ???/b>

? 25 2013 ? 23:39 + ?
? [??/a> + ? ?!]

??? ???/strong>

: ? ??? ????? , ? , ? , ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ????, ?? ?.

?1 -
??? ? ?/a>
?2 -
?6 - ??? ????/a>
?7 -
?? ?? ?
?8 - ??? ???br />
??? ??/a>


? ????

? 07 2013 ? 23:02 + ?
??- ???/a>
??? ??/a>


?1 ?/a>

?? ??)

? 07 2013 ? 22:15 + ?
? _?/a> [??/a> + ? ?!]

?? ?)

??« ()» natasha.doremi .

??- ???/a>
??? ??/a>


 : 7 6 5 4 [3] 2 1