
Shoo Fly

Card Trick

Friendship Star, ?Ribbon Quilt - ? ?/a>

Churn Dash, Monkey Wrench

Broken Dishes

Contrary Wife. ? ??? ?, ? ?

Jacob's Ladder

Monkey Wrench, ????Snail Trail ??? ?

Ohio Star - ????(? ?

Annie's Choice

Martha Washington Star

Double Friendship Star

Carpenter's Wheel - ??? , ?? ? ? ??- ?. ( , . ?/a>)

Bear Paw - ??, ?Underground Railroad, ?? ?/a>

Union Square

Path Through the Woods

Lady of the Lake

Crown of Thorns

Rolling Stone

Strength in Union

Bachelor's Puzzle

Hovering Hawks

Double Z

Flyfoot - ?19 ?? ? ? ?30-40??20 ?? ?. ?Svastika ?, . , ???- .


Cut Glass Dish, ?Winged Square - ? (? ? , ?)

Young Man's Fancy

Aunt Dinah's Favorite

Ozark Maple Leaf. ??, ?? ??, "" , ???

Calico Puzzle

Darting Bird

Amish Star

Birds In The Air

Bear Tracks

Double Sawtooth



Indian Trails, ?Kansas Troubles. ? ? , ?? sawtooth? ????, ?-?(Feathered Stars).

Split Nine Patch

Missouri Puzzle

Barrister Block

Toad in the Puddle

Temperance Tree. -. ? , ?, ?? ?, ??- ? ? ?

Old Maid's Puzzle